2014 / Limited sales space at various department stores
Designed by Takatsugu Hirai Design(Osaka)
中章(なかあきら)氏はベルギー・アントワープ王立芸術アカデミーに入学後、イェール国際フェスティバルに出品するために同校を中退。その後アントワープにてニットデザイナーに師事し、2006年に帰国後、2007年「POESIE」をスタート。そして2008年、ブランド名を「AKIRA NAKA」に改名し、2009年にメンズウェアブランド「VKhUTES(ヴクテス)」を立ち上げた今注目のファッションデザイナーです。
Akira Naka Akira said after admission in Antwerp Royal Academy of Arts in Belgium, dropped out of school in order to participate in Yale International Festival. Then he studied under knitwear designer in Antwerp, after returning home in 2006, to start "POESIE" in 2007, and in 2008, renamed the brand name to "AKIRA NAKA", it is a fashion designer of men's wear brand "VKhUTES" launched the now attention in 2009.
"Gradient knit" is famous by AKIRA NAKA's originality, this is a knit material changes as gradation, intended to be made by connecting the two materials, the production will require high technology.
From this Mr.Akira Nakaka, we have received an inquiry to produce floor mount type display for the department store, at the request of movement and assembly is easily possible that can be divided into three parts to the top, Mr.Akira Naka and the designer Mr.Takatsugu Hira appreciated us to the quality of furniture.
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