2006 / Cologne, Germany

Designed by One by One Co., Ltd.

ORGATECは2年ごとにドイツのケルンで開催されている「オフィス家具」の見本市です。元々「Furniture」には「家庭用家具」の意味があり、オフィスの概念がなかった時代のことばですが、19世紀あたりからヨーロッパを中心に現代の会社に似た形態が増えるに連れデスク、イス、テーブル、キャビネット、書棚といった、家庭用家具よりもシンプルで機能的なFurnitureの需要が増え「Office Furniture」業界が発生するに至りました。


ここではHUGO BOSSの店舗設計デザイナーの訪問もあり、後日のプレゼンにつながり、また商品的にはELラインシステムの「光る棚」が人気でした。来場者は、建築家、インテリアデザイナーの来場はそれほどでもなく、中国を中心としたアジアのメーカーがカタログ収集に精を出す姿が目立ち、同業者の最新情報収集の場としての意味合いが強い見本市だという印象を持ちました。

ORGATEC is the trade fair of "office furniture" which is held in Germany in Cologne every two years. Originally there is a meaning of "Furniture" in the "household furniture", but is the word of the era concept of the office there was no desk brought in a form similar to the modern company in Europe from around the 19th century increases, chair, table, cabinet, such as bookcases, than home furnishings increased demand for simple, functional "Office furniture" industry has led to occur.

And from its history but is the majority of exhibitors of European and American manufacturers, the company, the same as if the trade fair of the office furniture of the New York ICFF (International Contemporary Furniture Fair), architect, not in a lot of visitors of the interior designer we exhibited and hope that.

Here, there is also a visit of the store design designer of Hugo Boss, lead to a later date of presentation, also in commodity basis was "shining shelf" is a popular EL Line System. Visitors of architect and interior designer is not even so much, noticeable appearance attend the Asian manufacturers catalog collection with a focus, meaning as a place for up-to-date information collection of those skilled in the art is the strong trade fair.

Used System

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